The Guatemalan Government implements Fundazucar’s “Better Families” program thanks to an inter-institutional alliance.

Mides implementa programa “Mejores Familias” de Fundazucar

The Guatemalan Government implements Fundazucar’s “Better Families” program thanks to an inter-institutional alliance.

Mides implementa programa “Mejores Familias” de Fundazucar

The Guatemalan Government implements Fundazucar’s “Better Families” program thanks to an inter-institutional alliance.

On Monday, December 5th, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, and the Ministry of Social Development for the transfer of the Better Families program free of charge.

With the objective of promoting nutritional food security, self-esteem, self-management and leadership in women (of reproductive age or with children under five years of age), as agents of change for the development and well-being of their families and communities; The Ministry of Social Development -Mides- implemented this year the “Better Families” program.

It was agreed that Fundazucar will transmit knowledge, experiences, methodologies, techniques and technologies to the Mides technical team free of charge, so that they can execute it.

The Ministry is responsible for replicating the behavior change training for personnel from the Coordination and Organization Directorate, so that they, in turn, replicate the knowledge of women beneficiaries of institutional social programs, to provide them with skills and opportunities that improve their quality of life.

Organization and implementation

In search of an efficient application, a technological platform was designed that registers the users of the social programs to be trained: Social Bonus and Social Scholarship (Media Education, Higher Education and Artisan).

It was determined that 54 thousand 141 women from the 114 municipalities prioritized by the Great National Crusade for Nutrition would benefit in the first phase and 33 thousand 608 from the rest of the municipalities nationwide in the second: for a total of 87 thousand 749.

For the execution of “Better Families”, it will work with funds from the Ministry, which will be transferred to the United Nations Development Program -UNDP- to be invested in concrete actions that promote institutional transparency.


The International Organization will hire a consultant for the survey of the Initial Baseline and Evaluation of the Final Baseline on the results of the Strategy; and it will buy the didactic material for the public servants of the Mides and for the beneficiaries.

This will make it possible to develop strategies that make institutional budgetary execution clearly visible and improve the quality of public spending.

*Fundazucar’s cooperation consists of training Mides staff pro bono, that is, it does not charge any fee for transferring skills.

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