Tag - personal protection kits

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry delivered 7,336 kits with personal protective equipment for health workers against COVID-19 pandemic

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry delivered 7,336 kits

with personal protection equipment for health workers against COVID-19 pandemic

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry supports the efforts of health workers who are on the front line in the fight against COVID-19 and, through its Sugar Foundation, has delivered supplies to 65 health services and 26 municipalities from the South of Guatemala.

Since the beginning of the pandemic until August 2021, 7,336 kits with personal protection equipment have been delivered to 917 health workers, totaling: 29,344 KN95 masks, 22,008 pairs of gloves, 14,672 gowns, and 7,336 face shields.

In that period, 818 gallons of antibacterial gel and 1,908 gallons of alcohol were also delivered to health services.

Similarly, since the health emergency began, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry has supported the local governments with 21,452 surgical masks and 2,059 gallons of glycerinated alcohol to distribute among users and servers in 44 markets and public squares on the South of the country.

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry, in addition to this support, has promoted and supported projects focused on finding solutions to face the pandemic through Fundazucar, its social arm. It has also promoted vaccination and supported efforts to raise awareness to implement COVID-19 prevention and mitigation measures.


Segunda entrega de insumos a salubristas en 2021

1,834 personal protection kits delivered to health workers on the South of Guatemala

Segunda entrega de insumos a salubristas en 2021



Since January, through Fundazucar, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry has delivered 1,834 kits to 917 health service workers on the South of the country.

This week delivered 917 personal protection kits, consisting of: 4 masks KN95, 2 gowns, 3 pairs of gloves and 1 face shield, for the same number of health workers. This in support to personnel in first line of combat against COVID-19.

So far this year there have been two deliveries of supplies by the sugar mills, in January and March, to support the care and health care of people who attend consultations.

They also donated 191 gallons of antibacterial soap and 191 gallons of alcohol gel to 65 health services in 5 departments of the South of Guatemala.

Likewise, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry has donated 669 gallons of alcohol to 26 municipalities.

Last year, the sugar mills delivered 2,751 kits to 917 health services workers on the same region.


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