Tag - chronic child malnutrition

Alcalde de Tiquisate firma convenio de transferencia del programa Mejores Familias

Six municipalities of Guatemala will replicate the Best Families Program

Alcalde de Tiquisate firma convenio de transferencia del programa Mejores Familias

Six municipalities of Guatemala will replicate the Best Families Program

The local government of Tiquisate, Escuintla, located at 146 kilometers (91 milles) at the South of Guatemala, signed the agreement for the transfer of the methodology of the Better Families program of the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- making it the sixth municipality to implement this successful program to promote Nutritional Food Security.

Since the beginning of the transfer of the program, 36 facilitators from the Municipal Directorate for Women and the Municipal Office for Nutritional Food Security have been trained of the municipalities of Escuintla, Masagua, La Democracia and La Gomera; Escuintla and San Lorenzo, Suchitepequez.

The objective is that municipal facilitators can teach the women of their localty the best practices for the proper selection, preparation, and consumption of food. As well as educating mothers in preventive health with sustainable actions to improve the conditions of their children, family and community.

Through this program, the implementation of inter-institutional coordination mechanisms for Food and Nutrition Security in the signatory municipalities is facilitated. Each municipality has signed a cooperation agreement with Fundazucar for a period of 15 consecutive months.



IADB allies with Fundazucar to prevent chronic child malnutrition

IADB allies with Fundazucar to prevent chronic child malnutrition

The Inter-American Development Bank -IADB-  signed an alliance with the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- of the Guatemalan Sugar Industry for the execution of the SPOON program (Sustaining Program for Improving Nutrition) that seeks to prevent chronic malnutrition and reduce the risks of future obesity in children from 0 to 24 months of age living in areas of high poverty in Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico.

In Guatemala, the SPOON initiative was implemented in the department of Baja Verapaz in the context of “Better Families” program of Fundazucar because it shares the same objectives and is an innovative self-management model driven by women that promotes behavior change to improve Safety Nutritional Food.

The program ended in May 2021 with a duration of 24 months and the participation of 604 women from 39 communities of the 8 municipalities of Baja Verapaz. These women successfully completed the training for behavior change in the programmatic axes of: Self-esteem, Health and Nutrition, Responsible Motherhood and Fatherhood, and Reproductive Health.

The Sugar Foundation has worked with more than 532,000 women who have been empowered and trained in food security and development for their family and community. This program is executed through alliances with authorities and institutions and, in this case, with social investors who relied on field experience to develop effective behavior change strategies.

The positive results and success stories of the Better Families program of the Sugar Foundation – Fundazucar- has led to the implementation by social investors: companies, foundations, and international organizations, to prevent chronic child malnutrition.


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