Tag - children

Salubristas de la Costa Sur son capacitados gracias al programa “Mi Salud Primero” de Fundazúcar

Fundazucar trained 535 health professionals in COVID-19 prevention and health promotion in 2021

Salubristas de la Costa Sur son capacitados gracias al programa “Mi Salud Primero” de Fundazúcar

Fundazucar trained 535 health professionals in COVID-19 prevention

and health promotion in 2021

Last year, 535 health professionals from the South of Guatemala were trained by the Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar-, in alliance with the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance in methodologies for the prevention of COVID-19 and strategies for the promotion preventive health in diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya; as well as monitoring of pregnant women and women with children up to two years old in what is called the “window of a thousand days”.

The training covered the five departments on the South of Guatemala and included the promotion of preventive health in diseases transmitted by animals such as mosquitoes, spiders, flies, fleas, and lice, among others, these are called “vectors”.

They were also trained to develop technical skills to prevent the spread of COVID-19; this due to the pandemic we are facing worldwide.

Similarly, support for women and children was promoted in the so-called “Window of a thousand days” which, according to the Pan American Health Organization, covers health care and nutrition for mothers and children during pregnancy and up to two years of the child, with this it is sought that they have good feeding practices, through prioritizing breastfeeding, taking vitamins and minerals, and the treatment of acute malnutrition, among others.

In addition, Fundazucar supports the workers of 65 health posts and centers, with advice for the control and updating of the Situation Room, which means keeping community health statistics such as: control of vaccinations, child malnutrition, number of pregnant women, diseases local authorities, among others, this allows them to better focus their efforts.


No trabajo infantil

Business Network for the Prevention of Child Labour in Guatemala receives an international award for its leadership

No trabajo infantil

Business Network for the Prevention of Child Labour in Guatemala

receives an international award for its leadership

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry congratulates the Chamber of Agro -Camagro- and the Business Network for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor, for obtaining first place in the international award “Leader of Change for the Eradication of Child Labour”, which is granted by the International Organization of Employers -OIE-.

With the initiative “Boys and Girls to School”, the Guatemalan business network stood out in the contest due to the diversity of innovative activities, promoted through different sectors, with positive impacts on the elimination and prevention of child labour. The network is made up of 18 business organizations, 4 NGOs, 2 government institutions and 2 international organizations.

The Guatemalan Sugar Industry actively participates, both in Camagro and in the Business Network. Since 1999 has permanently contributed to the prevention and eradication of child labor, through a union policy that establishes the working conditions to generate decent employment and the No child labor in the activities of the sugar sector.

Likewise, it contributes to this objective through the social programs carried out by Fundazucar, which are focused on strengthening public institutions and promoting responsible citizen participation to influence the improvement of the quality-of-life indicators of the population in the 56 municipalities of the South of Guatemala where it operates, promoting equal opportunities for the education of boys and girls.

Prevention and eradication of work child

The joint efforts made by the Sugar Industry, in coordination with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the Guatemalan Sugar Producers Association and community coordination through Fundazucar, have allowed great advances in the prevention and eradication of child labour because each of the parties has assumed the role that corresponds to open up opportunities for sustainable solutions within the framework of public policy.

“The Guatemalan Sugar Industry reiterates its commitment to the generation of formal, dignified and decent employment, and the No child labor,” said Alfredo Vila, President of the Guatemalan Sugar Producers Association -Asazgua-.

This award recognizes the efforts that each of the sectors represented in Camagro and in the Business Network have made over the years to avoid hiring child labor and to bet on a better future for Guatemalan children through education.

The jury that chose the winners was made up of the International Organization of Employers -OIE-, the Kalash Foundation and the International Labor Organization -OIT-. The announcement of the global winners was made on June 16th, 2021, from Geneva, Switzerland.


Cierre de la Gran Cruzada Nacional por la Nutrición 2020

Crusade for Nutrition in Guatemala reached more than 9,900 children with the assistance of the Sugar Foundation

Cierre de la Gran Cruzada Nacional por la Nutrición 2020

Crusade for Nutrition in Guatemala reached more than 9,900 children

with the assistance of the Sugar Foundation

The Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- supported the Great National Crusade for Nutrition in Guatemala after signing an alliance with the Secretariat of Food and Nutrition Security of Guatemala -Sesan- and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance -MSPAS-, in which more than 9 thousand children were tested to detect cases of malnutrition.

This strategic alliance made possible the detection of cases of acute malnutrition in boys and girls; and to achieve so, Fundazucar formed brigades to search for such cases in four departments of the South of Guatemala between August and December 2020.

Fundazucar’s brigades reached 112 communities located in 16 municipalities on the South of Guatemala where they tested 9,919 children for signs of malnutrition.

After the tests, 65 cases of children with acute malnutrition were detected, their mothers received a food plan through a nutritionist, counseling, and the children are now under the surveillance of the Government Ministry of Health, with weight and height monitoring.


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